Queen of the Apostles Catholic School
Parent-Teacher Association
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.
--John 14:6
All parents are encouraged to attend the PTA General Meeting
every 2nd Tuesday of the month in the conference room.
Please make an effort to attend the Parent Teachers Association's public meetings of the 2024-25 school year. Beyond your general support of Queen of the Apostles School and of our wonderful teachers, the reasons you should attend are plentiful:
• Learn what the PTA does on behalf of all Queen of the Apostles parents and how you can get involved.
• Learn about upcoming events that you can support by attending and/or volunteering.
• Provide your input for bettering our current fundraisers or offer ideas for new fundraisers.
• Provide input or ask questions of the PTA, the Teachers, and Principal
Volunteer Opportunities
Many hands make light work…..That is why the PTA is requesting that each Queen of the Apostles family volunteer a portion of their time for at least one PTA sponsored activity each school year. As we proceed with the school year, the PTA will be routinely asking for volunteers to help with a variety of fundraising events (especially the Saint Patrick’s Day Carnival). Assistance will be needed in many areas to fit any schedule; from helping during events to setting-up and tearing-down the events. Your assistance is truly needed and directly supports your child and Queen of the Apostles school.
Annual dues and where they go:
Each family is asked to pay $15 each year to help cover annual costs. Some examples of what the monies are used for on an annual basis include the following:
*Teacher classroom supplies - $200 per each teacher for the purchase of classroom materials
*Playground maintenance
*Contributions to Catholic Schools Week activities
*Chamber Membership
*Senior Scholarships
In addition to annual costs, special requests are made by the school and its teachers as needs arise. Some past examples are: helping to fund equipment for the playground and purchase of a new smartboard for the classroom that did not have one.
How can you help?
The best way to assist is by supporting and helping in the various fundraisers the PTA puts on. Also, at least three public, general meetings are held during the school year in which all QA's parents/guardians are invited. We encourage all parents/guardians to attend to share opinions, comments, and/or concerns. Your involvement helps make the school a better place for our children and teachers. PTA meetings will be announced via school email, on the bulletin board in the school/parish office hallway and posted on the PTA Facebook page.
2024-2025 PTA Board
School Principal:
Debra Pfab
Samantha Tokarz
Cheryl Weyers
Co-Vice Presidents:
Stephanie Webster
Megan Von Haden
Erin Dechant
Josh Peot
Hayley Honish
Liz Bloom
General Meetings
Monthly general meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30pm in the Conference Room. All parents/guardians are invited to attend!